Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Problem Definition Stage

â€Å"The problem definition stage is perhaps more critical in the research process than the problem solution stage†. Discuss this statement. Answer: †¢ Finding the right solution to an incorrectly identified problem helps no one because the original concerns will still continue to exist. Hence, pinpointing where exactly the gap lies, for which a solution is needed, is critical. (5 marks) b. In your company’s management development program, there was a heated discussion between some people who claimed, â€Å"Theory is impractical and thus no good,† and others who claimed, â€Å"Good theory is the most practical approach to problems. What position would you take and why? Answer †¢ The statement that â€Å"theory is impractical and thus no good† illustrates a misconception of the true meaning of theory. †¢ The second quotation is more to the point: there is nothing so practical as a good theory (Kurt Lewin) because of the power it gives us to explain and predict the target phenomenon. †¢ We use theory constantly as we explain why certain events occur or why one procedure succeeds and another does not. †¢ Theory represents an identification of key causal relationships, which explain outcomes in a variety of situations.It is an effort to extract the essence of relationships, ignoring less important contextual factors. †¢ The adequacy of a theory comes from its capacity to explain phenomenon in a variety of contexts and situations and this is referred to as its capacity to â€Å"travel. † †¢ Often, theories are too simplistic, and therefore lack explanatory power across situations. †¢ The solution lies in improving the theory, possibly introducing more variables, rather than rejecting the central concept. . (10 marks) c. Sometimes business research may be unnecessary. Explain when this could occur.Answer: Business research may be unnecessary in several situations. †¢ If the value of add ressing the problem is less than the cost of the research, research is unnecessary. †¢ If the organization suffers from constraints of time, money, or skill, the research may not be appropriate. †¢ If the necessary information cannot be collected in a manner that is applicable to the research, it may not be necessary. †¢ Finally, if the decision is of low-risk anyway, research is unnecessary. (5 marks) d. Explain the meaning of deduction and induction. Provide an argument that exemplifies each form.Answer: †¢ Deduction is a form of argument that suggests a conclusion from the reasons given. The reasons imply the conclusion. A deduction is valid if it is impossible for the conclusion to be false if the premises are true. Consider the following example. o AXY employees receive a discount on all clothing purchases made at any AXY store. Sarah is an employee at the AXY store in city X. Sarah will receive a discount at any AXY store. †¢ Induction is different fro m deduction in that it draws a conclusion from one or more facts. However, other conclusions could be drawn from the facts.For example, Burger King was featured on an episode of the Apprentice. Sales figures increased in the two weeks immediately following the episode. The conclusion is that the brand placement resulted in the increase in sales. While this conclusion is possible, other explanations have not been eliminated. (10 marks) Question 2 A teacher observes that the performance of students in the class varies depending on the workload, the complexity of the tests, the extent of ambiguity in the assignments, and the stress experienced by them. She assigns to you the task of doing a research project on this and wants you to do the following: a.Give the project a suitable title; To investigate factors that affect students’ performance. b. Briefly establish why it is important to research the topic; It is important to research this topic since we would like to know how wor kload, complexity of the test, extent of ambiguity in the assignment and the stress experience do affect students’ level of understanding and thus affects their performance. c. Clearly and precisely write the problem statement; To what extent the factors such as workload, complexity of the test, extent of ambiguity in the assignment and the stress experience influence performance. . Develop a theoretical framework using the variables mentioned above, clearly delineating the network of associations among the variables Workload complexity of the test extent of ambiguity stress experience Performance ind. Var intervening var. dep. Var e. Introduce a moderating and an intervening variable in the framework, explaining how they moderate and intervene. Intervening variable = stress ecperience f. Develop three hypotheses Hypotheses 1The more workload given, higher complexity of the test and higher level of ambiguity will reduce students’ performance. Hypotheses 2 The more work load given, higher complexity of the test and higher level of ambiguity will increase more stress to the students Hypotheses 3 The higher the level of stress will lead to lower performance of students (20marks) Question 3 The new president of an old, established company is facing a problem. The company is currently unprofitable and is, in the president’s opinion, operating inefficiently.The company sells a wide line of equipment and supplies to the dairy industry. Some items it manufacturers, and many it wholesales to dairies, creameries, and similar plants. Because the industry is changing in several ways, survival will be more difficult in the future. In particular, many equipment companies are bypassing the wholesalers and selling directly to dairies. In addition, many of the independent dairies are being taken over by large food chains. How might business research help the new president make the right decisions? Sample answer: Many different studies might be helpful in th is situation.The most likely lines of investigation should be on: 1. the firm’s operating inefficiencies, and 2. its future prospects in the changing dairy industry. In the first case, the president might want to determine whether the inefficiency is caused by internal production problems, poor organization, ineffective cost controls, weak sales management, and so on. This might take the form of a company audit of internal processes. The examination of the industry and the firm’s future in it would likely be directed at discovering possible trends in consumption patterns and distribution systems.It might also entail polling the end user of the products to see if anything other than price is prompting them to buy directly from manufacturers. Having this information would allow the researcher to either support the president’s contention that inefficiency is the root problem, or rule it out. Further, it would allow him to determine such things as whether any overlo oked opportunities (markets) exist, if his company is the only one experiencing problems, if the trend is likely to reverse, and so on. (20 marks) Question 4 Evaluate the statement of the business problem in the following situations: a.A manufacturer of fishing boats: The problem is to determine sales trends over the past five years by product category and to determine the seasonality of unit boat sales by quarters by regions of the country. Answer: This is a relatively straight forward set of descriptive objectives for a secondary data study. The time period is indicated. Sales volume in units is indicated to be the variable of interest. By indicating unit boat sales, quarters as the time periods, regions of the country as the geographical units, the definition is specific. b. The marketer of a new spreadsheet software package: The purpose of this research is (1).To identify the market potential for the product, (2). To identify what desirable features the product should possess, a nd (3) To determine possible advertising strategies/channel strategies for the product. Answer: Although this is not a poor statement of the problem, it is too ambitious and it could be more specific. A major disadvantage of this problem statement is that it is too much for a single research study. Determining advertising and channel strategies, product features, and market potential indicate several distinct problems for a program strategy rather than a single project strategy. (10 marks)

Piaget and early childhood

Truss Excelsior College Even though Jean Paging passed over thirty years ago his work is still seen in the classroom today. There are three educational principles that are derived from Piglet's theory that continue to have a major impact on both teacher training and classroom practices, particularly during early childhood. Discovery learning, sensitivity to children's readiness to learn and acceptance of individual differences are the three educational principles that are still impacting the educational atmosphere (Beer, 2010).Discovery learning encourages children to learn through discovery by spontaneous interaction with the environment. Teachers place items in their classroom that students can use for exploration and discovery. Children can explore art supplies, measuring tools, puzzles, table games, building blocks, etc. To enhance learning. Teachers don't readily present verbal knowledge in this setting but encourage discovery by these tactile means (Beer, 2010). Sensitivity to children's readiness to learn is another principle derived from Page's theory.In this environment teachers introduce activities that build on children's current thinking, challenging their incorrect ways of viewing the world and enabling them to practice newly discovered themes. However if the child doesn't not show interest or readiness the teachers will not teach them until they show interest or readiness. Lastly acceptance of individual differences, gives credence to Piglet's theory that children undergo the same stages of development, they Just do it at different rates. For this reason teachers must plan activities for small groups and not the whole class.Evaluations must be related to the child's previous development rather than an average based on normative standards or related to peers in the same age group. This allows for learning tailored to individual differences (Beer, 2010). Although there are three main principles of Piglet's theory still found in the classroom today, her also theorized that there are limitations to early childhood thinking. According to Jean Pigged, egocentrics, conservation, concentration and reversibility and the lack of hierarchical classification, are limitations to early childhood thinking.These limitations are aspects in the operational stage of his cognitive development theory (Beer, 2010). Egocentrics, deals with children's ability to see things form another's point of view. Pigged conducted a three mountains problem, in which a doll was placed behind three distinctive mountains with the larger one facing the doll and the smaller ones facing the child. When asked to identify a picture from the doll's point of view they would only chose the picture that represented what they saw from their point of view.Conservation is explained as physical characteristics of objects remaining the same even when their outward appearances change. In a demonstration a child is shown two glasses with equal amounts of liquid. The child acknow ledges that the two glasses have the same volume of liquid. He then pours the liquid of one glass into a taller glass. Children on the operational phase of thinking will say that the glass that is taller has more liquid even though they didn't see any additional liquid poured to increase volume or any liquid removed to decrease volume.This task also explains two other aspects of his theory, concentration and reversibility. In this experiment the children focus, or center on the height of the glass. They do not process the fact that the changes in height and width are what make the liquid appear taller. This is the premise behind concentration. Irreversibility is also at play here. The children are not able to reverse the process and think that if she pours the taller glass of liquid back into the same glass it was poured out of it would take on the original shape from the original glass..

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Letter from Birmingham, Martin Luther King Jr.

Just Arguments in the Battle against Segregation â€Å"If I have said anything in this letter that overstates the truth and indicates an unreasonable impatience, I beg you to forgive me. If I have said anything that understates the truth and indicates my having patience, I beg God to forgive me† (King 301). Martin Luther King Jr. writes an argumentative letter defending demonstrations against segregation. While serving eight days in prison for participating in protests in Birmingham, King writes his famous â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† (293).King is effective at arguing his case because he provides counter arguments, gives many examples of real life situations, and reflects on statements made. King begins by providing background and explaining the true purpose of non-violent direct-action demonstrations. In the letter, King refutes the arguments made by clergy, which were untimely action, breaking laws, direct-actions precipitate violence, extremist, and commended police. King explains that he traveled to Birmingham to participate in non-violent protest against segregation, stating â€Å"injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere† (289).King responds to the clergy by saying, â€Å"your statement†¦ fails to express a similar concern for the conditions that brought about the demonstrations† (289). King continues by explaining the four basic steps of non-violent direct-action, which are: â€Å"collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist; negotiation; self purification; and direct-action† (290). While providing great detail on the situation and steps taken, King continues to build his argument against the statements made by the clergy. The first statement was that the action taken in Birmingham was untimely.In the letter, King provides great details about the planning and execution of the demonstration, which shows that much thought was placed on the timing of the protest and explained that it was, in fact, not untimely. King uses a very effective method to evoke personal feelings by writing a long list of heart-throbbing experiences of Negro people during segregation (289-292). Next, King refutes the second statement that demonstrators break laws. King explains that â€Å"there are two types of laws: just and unjust† (293). King’s reflecting help the reader understand his arguments (293-294).The third statement from the clergy says the direct-actions precipitate violence. King states he does not advocate breaking the law. However, â€Å"[King] submit[s] that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for law† (294). The fourth statement is condemning the actions in Birmingham as extreme. King counters by providing examples where extreme measures were taking to right an injustice, such as with Abe Lincoln and freeing the slaves (296-297).Finally, King addresses how the clergy commended the police force for keeping order. King responds with examples during the demonstrations in which the police acted inhumane (300-301). By providing considered and well formulated arguments, King is effective at arguing his case against segregation. King addresses any possible counter arguments on his stance and does so in great detail. By reflecting on statements made, King allows the reader to fully understand his arguments and point of view. The â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† is an excellently structured argumentative letter against segregation.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Oka Conflict of Canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Oka Conflict of Canada - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear that political conflicts are the most common form of conflicts occurring among many regions around the world. These disputes are caused by different reasons and despite their nature being political; the fundamental course defines the actual conflict. Environmental conflicts refer to disputes occurring between different interest groups because of existing resources available within the natural environment. These conflicts are defined through the various natural resources available within the environment, which might be lost or gained following the occurrence of the conflict. The nature of the Oka conflict results in the identification of the conflict as being environmental. The disputed land that the conflicting parties were interested in contained numerous resources that the government and the Mohawk community were interested in keeping. The hard-line stands that each party maintained contributed significantly in the development of the conflict, from a simple dispute, to become a full-blown conflict between different parties. The failure to effectively resolve the environmental dispute resulted in the explosion of the dispute to become a conflict. As the paper highlights the environmental dispute involved land, which was utilised by the Mohawk community as their ancestral land although the community did not have sufficient prrof of ownership of the land. Documentation for the land ownership by the community had not been of any significance until the dispute occurred. The community had lived within the confines of the land and developed an attachment to the land, which would be extremely difficult to break. This community has been involved in numerous land claims with the government, which have always been rejected by the government. The local community had continuously sought injunctions to prevent the occupancy of the land by foreigners but the government had always rejected their applications.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Phase 2 Individual Project_Criminal Investigation Essay

Phase 2 Individual Project_Criminal Investigation - Essay Example An example of a case outlining the exclusionary evidence rule is the Weeks vs. United States (Signorelli, 2010). From the case, the United States Supreme court ruled that it is a breach of the Fourth Amendment of the American constitution when a law enforcement agent seizes the property of a suspect without a warrant. The statute prohibits local law enforcement agencies from collecting evidence by unlawful means. Wetterer (1998) identifies the following as exceptions to the exclusionary rule, The doctrine of good faith observes that the evidence in question is admissible in a trial court if a law enforcement agency under a good faith took action believing that it was not a violation of the Fourth Amendment. In explaining the application of this law, Leon vs. United States of America.1984 challenges the admissibility of evidence obtained through an illegal search by law enforcement agencies (Persico, 1997). From the case, law enforcement officers in California got information about the activities of Patsy Stewart and Armando Sanchez. After investigation and surveillance, police officers identified Ricardo Castillo and Alberto Leon as accomplices in drug trafficking, and a detective sought a search warrant from a judge (Persico, 1997). The warrant in question was illegal since the police could not prove a probable cause for the warrant. However, the evidence was admissible because the police action was on the belief that they followed the law. The inevitable discovery doctrine is grounded on the belief that the evidence in question was likely to be discovered by legal means. A statute explaining this exception is the Nix vs. Williams’s case (Signorelli, 2010). In the case, the defendant killed a young girl in the state of Iowa. The defendant surrendered to law enforcement officers, and on his own plea, he was arraigned in court. The officers searched for the victim’s body, and because of heavy snow,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Western civ (Greeks Vs, Hebrews) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Western civ (Greeks Vs, Hebrews) - Essay Example Consequently, the Greek system prepared individuals to serve the state while the Hebrew system prepared individuals to serve God. There is little question that religion played an important part in the social lives of both civilizations but dogmatic religious practices are more readily associated with the Hebrew tradition. In similar fashion, the political realities of the day reflected the intrusion of religion into the affairs of the state. The Hebrews believed that God would hold everyone accountable one day so the ruler was expected to be accountable to God alone. In contrast, the Greek system of personal accountability relied on philosophy and on the discretion of fellow men. Hence, the Greek ruler was accountable to his fellow men more than his accountability to any gods. This increased accountability paved for the world’s first democracy in Athens (Blainey). The achievements of various Athenians such as Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Herodotus, Thucydides, Hippocrates, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle among others laid the foundation for the modern Western civilization. The move to democracy strengthened the Greek quest for knowledge. Furthermore, the Greeks had managed to disassociate divinity with exploration of things around them. Even after Athens was subsumed into the larger Greek civilization, the traditions of learning and development continued unabated. The epistemological drive of the Greeks led to developments in science, architecture, law, philosophy, commerce and numerous other fields. A rich scientific tradition can be traced back to the Greeks with names such as Archimedes, Hero of Alexandria, Galen and others appearing in scientific discussions to this day (Thornton). In contrast, the Hebrew tradition kept God intact with learning limitations. God was seen as the center of the universe in the literal sense and ideas upheld by the scripture were unquestionable. The strength of the Hebrew tradition of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Logical Reasoning Math Problem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Logical Reasoning - Math Problem Example Euler circles otherwise known as Euler diagrams are graphical representations of logical statements. Each set in this diagram is represented as a circle or closed curve. Intersections between sets are shown as partially overlapping circles. On the other hand, the equivalence of two sets is given by a complete overlap of the circles. Using this approach, the relationship of sets becomes clear. It is then easy to determine the validity of a conclusion based on the diagram. For the first statement it is clear from the diagram that given the premise, there is no established relation between B and C. Likewise, the second statement also establishes no relationship between the two. Therefore, both statements are invalid. In contrast, truth tables are textual representations of the logic statement. Unlike a pure logic statement, the truth table presents all possible combinations of the input set and determines the conclusion from each combination. While not as intuitive as Euler circles, this approach provides a more exhaustive view of a logical statement. The respective truth tables for the above logical statements follow: In the first table, when all the premises are satisfied, there is definitely no way wherein the conclusion is satisfied. This statement is therefore invalid. For the second statement, most cases satisfy the statement except for one. However, since the conclusion is an implication, then the presence of this single case invalidates the statement. Conclusion From the given examples, it is clear that the use of alternative representations of logical statements aid in logical reasoning. In fact, both Euler circles and truth tables were consistent in invalidating the logic for both examples. Question 1 Let: Equations: Solution: Modify eqn 1: Substitute to eqn 2: Conclusion: UniquePhil has 10 $0.37 stamps. Question 2 Solution: Using the Venn Diagram Exactly 2 writing instruments: Conclusion: 15 backpacks contain exactly two of the three writing instruments. Question 3 Question 4 Solution: Conclusion: The car got 54.4 miles per gallon. Question 5 Question 6 Biconditional Question 7 2.8700 Question 8 Question 9 Solution: Conclusion: cups of flour should be used. Question 10 Solution: During peak hours: During off-peak hours: Conclusion: $1.76 can be saved by making 16-minute calls during off-peak hours. Question 11 Solution: Using the Law of Contraposition: Using De Morgan's Law: Conclusion: They are logically equivalent. Question 12 Solution: truth table p q q pq TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE Conclusion: There is only 1 T in the final columb. Question 13 Question 14 Question 15 Valid Question 16 Question 17 Question 18 Invalid Question 19 Solution: 1 3 7 13 15 19 25 27 31 37 --- Diff 2 4 6 2 4 6

Professionalism in Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Professionalism in Practice - Essay Example Therefore, taking up a teaching profession is not by chance in most cases. Most practicing teachers believe that to become a teacher is a ‘calling,’ where one just feels indebted to take up a socially responsible profession that would help shape the society in a positive and generally accepted way. Thus according to Howard Sharron (1987), by virtue of being a teacher, one would have committed him/herself to answer the calling of helping others gain knowledge. In most cases, it is out of love of doing good things that would promote peace and tranquility in the society. Basically, one main reason for an individual to decide to take up the teaching profession is the need to instill good morals and values in pupils so as to create a habitable environment comprising of knowledgeable people who use the power of reasoning in conducting themselves in their daily lives. Instilling discipline among children is one of the core tenets of teaching as this would contribute towards the development of a generation that can distinguish between what is wrong and good. This would be the stepping stone of creating a crime free environment as in most cases people are redeemed by education from behaving in a rogue manner. Haim Ginott, (1972:9), sums it all when he says, â€Å"school is a perfect preparation for the world.† Another reason of becoming a teacher is the commitment to be part and parcel of developing the educational background of pupils hence improving the country’s literacy rate. A country that has got a higher literacy rate stands better chances of economic development and growth because educated people are enlightened in most of the things hence they are able to make informed decisions that would benefit them. 2. A teacher in every school is expected to uphold some values that define the profession. First and foremost, a teacher has a great responsibility of molding the values of children since they spend a great

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Compare 2 Arguments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Compare 2 Arguments - Essay Example The internet has led to the emergence of the information society, whose mode of operation is purely based on information flow and access, (Lessig, 565-567). Technology has had a phenomenal impact on how people relate and carry themselves. This demands that information be available in a digital space or environment where it is fully accessible to all. This would make the world more innovative, (Lessig, 565-567). The idea of copyright laws has extremely restricted the used and flow of ideas. It is true that every person who comes up with a discovery should be appreciated in a way. The problem is when this appreciation goes to the extent of limiting the ingenuity. This is where the world is because of multiple copyright laws. The world is full of scientists who built on the discoveries of other scientists. People do not ask for permission from Professor Einstein or even Shakespeare before quoting their work as Lessig had used as examples. The result is that better discoveries have been made, (Cole 87-89). This means that, anyone who used that piece of work without the necessary permission does not have to be sued for it. What would happen if this was the case with every other creation or discovery? The world would be a better place. There is a growing concern that the world is becoming too commercial to nurture new and upcoming ideas. The reasoning behind copyright laws and patenting was to give the founders exclusive rights over the intellectual property. That is a bit different from trying to stifle development of intellectual property. The two contrasting opinions, must meet somewhere. The rationale behind protecting intellectual property must not exceed the need to give incentives for more discoveries. This is because advances and new creations are meant to make life better than it is or was. This is the real issue. Most copyright work comes from the derivative work, (Lessig, 565-567). Discoveries are built upon previous discoveries. According to the economics theory of property, property attracts less interest when it is freely available, (Cole 87-89). Indeed open source property does not attract a lot of attention as Julio Cole mentioned. Therefore, intellectual property laws create a situation where necessary ideas are monopolized so that they can be appreciated. That may be correct in some ways. Indeed, the introduction of intellectual property laws was meant to be a positive move to the young scientists and artists out there. However, this idea has mutated into something counter- productive altogether. According to Lawrence Lessig, the discoveries are made a very personal affair, as opposed to offering solutions. This can also be seen in newspapers and other forms of media which highlight lawsuits against people from musicians and other artists. As Cole says, free culture may not be the answer. Some people argue that ingenuity cannot be paid through money. If Einstein and Shakespeare were too concerned about intellectual property la ws, then they would have put a stop to the many upcoming scientists and writers who build on their work and ingenuity, (Lessig, 565-567). The critical question is, to what extent can copyright laws go? And are they absolute? Those who believe in a free culture push for the period of patents and copyright property to be lessened. If it is possible, then it can be done away with depending on the opinion of the innovator. Discoveries must be seen as a response to human global challenges,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

About the English Department at the New York University Essay

About the English Department at the New York University - Essay Example The English department also offers minor in Creative Writing. The Department of English at New York University studies and teaches English language literature from various periods and places. The university trains their students in close reading, historical and archival research, literary theory, the history of the book, media theory, and cultural analysis. Every year NYU attracts applicants from various parts of the world for graduate study. Many of these graduate students do not belong to the New York City, so to make the programs attractive the existing graduate students have created a strong community. The undergraduate Creative Writing Program offers workshops, reading, internships, writing prizes and events. The graduate Creative Writing Program at NYU consists of a community of authors who works in a supportive and challenging atmosphere. The faculty members of the department also contribute to building a strong community for the students who come to study here. According to m e, it’s not only the educational programs but also the strong sense of community which attracts prospective students every year. Thesis The internship, work of graduates, building and maintaining strong community is all about the literacy study here. All the participants have their individual role in the department. If every participant maintains the performance in a progressive manner then the English Department of New York University will be able to maintain its position, which will bring new members every year, who will also gradually contribute to the existing community to take it to another level and maintain its position thoroughly. Statement of Significance The purpose of this study is to identify how literacy practices contribute to the community, and what is the role of each member belongs to the community. As mentioned above writing and reading considered to be the most important literacy practice. They also produce high-quality literary journals. Students actively take part in the vibrant literary community and engage themselves in all aspects of the literary arts like writing, reading, teaching, publishing and community outreach. It is indicated by the graduate students of this department that writing creates the identity both here in the department and beyond. So it is to be understood in this paper that writing is an assumed literacy practice that is said to be an essential part of the performance, although it is not a separate literacy practice. Performing respective roles in the English department is important to faculty, current graduate students and prospective graduate students. To make this essay more significant it is expected that certain members of the community will perform certain roles. It can be assumed that members of the community will perform in respective ways to enrich their own academic careers as well as they will support the community. In other words, the strength of the English department at NYU is highly dependent on the effective and successful performance of all its members. To look into the matter of literacy practice of the English department, I have collected a few samples which include fiction reading, poetry reading, and poets in conversation. Along with this, I conducted two interviews: one with the graduate coordinator of GEO   that is Graduate English Organization of NYU and another is a graduate student who represents the use of literacy within the department.        Ã‚  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Supply Chain Management in Tehindo Tea Manufacturing Company Case Study

Supply Chain Management in Tehindo Tea Manufacturing Company - Case Study Example The company has implemented a vertical integration model where a company within the Tehindo Corporate Organization supplies tea leaves, one of the main raw materials of producing their products especially the fruity tea. The company has big parts of land, which they grow tea thus supplying over eleven sale centers with various sales offices in Indonesia. Integrating the supplier’s actions on its own has become unachievable by several companies given the need for the company to minimize inventories and be able to deliver customers’ demands on time. This has been very helpful to the company since they have been able to concentrate more on the production and distribution sections of the company. The other responsibility of the manufacturers is ensuring that the products are safe at the design stage, where they can eliminate the hazards and any potential misuse in this stage. On the other hand, the manufacturer receives the raw materials from the suppliers and produces good s as per the market segment and those products that will satisfy the consumer needs. In addition, the manufacturers sometimes when they sell their goods direct to the consumers that they tend to control the prices of their products. The manufacturer also receives information from the distributors, wholesalers, and retailers about the products sales thus it becomes helpful in forecasting or making a decision of which product to invest more.The company has implemented a vertical integration model where a company within the Tehindo Corporate Organization supplies tea leaves

Monday, July 22, 2019

Tyler Perry Exploits Black America Essay Example for Free

Tyler Perry Exploits Black America Essay Actor, director, playwright, screenwriter, producer and, author Tyler Perry has taken Hollywood by storm. Perry has grossed close to $500 million in domestic box office receipts since 2005 (Smith) with his stage plays that have been turned into movies. Being ranked by Forbes magazine as the sixth highest-paid man in Hollywood (Daniels), Tyler Perry has revolutionized black entertainment by becoming the first black man to own a major movie and television studio in Atlanta, GA (Walker). I like Tyler Perry and enjoyed his early stage productions and films such as â€Å"Daddy’s Little Girl’s† and â€Å"The Family that Preys†. However, I struggle with his portrayal of black people, more specifically on his TBS television show, â€Å"House of Payne†. Perry’s â€Å"House of Payne† exploits African Americans as entertainment, combining slap stick comedy with regressive stereotypes with characters such as Curtis the Coon, Ella the Mammy, Janine the Drug Addicted, selfish Mother and Calvin the â€Å"Happy Negro†, remedial Player. I plan to deconstruct the â€Å"House of Payne† to reveal its minstrelsy nature and demonstrate how â€Å"House of Payne† does nothing to counteract racial assumptions that black people are ignorant, hip hopping, over weight jigaboos that are nothing more than comic relief. Tyler Perry supporters, who are mostly black, church going women, feel as though they can relate to Perry’s characters, strong Christian messages, and are happy that Perry keeps black actors on the big screen, and on television (Smith). Much has been said about Tyler Perry’s â€Å"House of Payne† and how it is a new millennium minstrel show. Minstrel shows consisted of white male actors, in black face that performed what they perceived as blackness. Performers of blackface interpreted blacks to be lazy, buffoonish, cowardly characters that often lied, stole and mangled the English language (Stark). Ultimately minstrel company owners hired black men and women, emphasizing that their ethnicity made them the only true delineators of black song and dance (Mahar). Black minstrels added religious themes to their shows while whites shied from that made them a popular hit amongst other blacks. Once minstrel shows began to decline in popularity, blackface continued by way of film (Mahar). One of the most notable actors was Lincoln Theodore Monroe Andrew Perry, also known as â€Å"Stepin Fetchit†. Although he was the first black actor to become a millionaire, the persona of â€Å"Stepin Fetchit†was the quintessential lazy, foolish, shucking and jiving Negro (White). Film critic, Armond White in his essay The Rehabilitation of Stepin Fetchit† asserts: â€Å"Should African-American performers be accountable to political correctness? To what degree should they worry that their antics shape the self-image of young African-Americans? Should they follow any standard other than their own conscience? Should they have a conscience? The psychological rationale for racism cuts two ways—flattering whites and defaming blacks—and it rebounded upon Stepin Fetchit and stained his soul. â€Å" Whites projected stereotypes onto black people and now we help them out: the buffoon, the Mammy and the Jezebel have been replaced with the ghetto fabulous drama queen, the feminized male, the thug and the dope fiend. Television is a powerful agent of information that not only shapes our way of seeing the world, but influences how we view and understand differences (Ford). The stereotyping of African Americans can partly be attributed to television limiting black actors to roles to jezebels, street punks, simple minded servants, and violent criminals. With the success of the Tyler Perry brand, Todd Boyd, Professor of Critical Studies at USC School of Cinematic Arts, asserted that Tyler Perrys works â€Å"are rooted in some of the worst stereotypes that have ever existed† (Svetkey, Watson, Wheat). Donald Bogle, author of Toms, Coons, Mulatoes, Mammies Bucks: An Interpretive History of Blacks in American Films, tends to agree: If a white director put out this product, the black audience would be appalled. The main characters in â€Å"House of Payne† are a married couple Curtis and Ella Payne, who are comparable to Ol’ Darkie and his counterpart Mammy in various minstrel shows. ‘Old Darky’ or ‘Old Uncle’ was usually the head of the black family (Stark), just as Curtis is the patriarch on the â€Å"House of Payne†. Curtis or Uncle Curtis is known for his loud over the top delivery, grumpiness, and brash jokes. Coons, are a source of amusement because they are complete buffoons (Toll). Every episode the audience can expect a slap stick performance from Curtis ranging from slapping of other cast members to the tumping his toe and falling over a chair. Ella is the exact replica of Mammy, which is one undeniable fixture in any Tyler Perry production. Ella is dark skinned, overweight, a great cook and singer and is the religious glue that holds the family together. Ella’s matronly demeanor causes for her well- liked by everyone and will put Curtis in his place when he gets irate. Tyler Perry replaces Mammy’s head wrap and apron and puts Ella in clothing that only exaggerates her unhealthy size. One episode, Curtis and Ella go on diets because they are at risk for diabetes and heart attacks. Curtis, who himself is obese, foolishly does a single jumping jack and falls out as if he just ran a marathon and hides snacks and fried food all over the house. Ella, who sticks to the diet for a few days constantly, nags Curtis about the risk factors. The story looks to be headed in a motivational direction as African Americans are twice more likely to develop diabetes than white people (CDC), however the scene ends with both of them abandoning their diets and exit to get a fried chicken sandwich (Perry). Curtis and Ella have a son, Calvin Payne who lacks common sense, motivation, yet is a self-proclaimed ladies’ man. Calvin is similar to â€Å"Happy Negro† who seems to relish in his stupid and immature nature (Stark) that causes any scheme or idea of his own to greatly backfire. Perry relies heavily on the well-worn stereotypes that black people have been subject to and Calvin is another Tyler Perry pattern. Calvin has had numerous relationships throughout the show and eventually gets married to Miranda, but finds out he’s fathered a child out of wedlock with an ex-girlfriend Tracie at the same time his wife reveals she too is pregnant. Perry strips Calvin of a dignified title of married man, father-to-be and to the stereotypical black man who is a low down, cheating â€Å"Baby Daddy†. In the doctor office scene where Calvin, Miranda and Tracie coincidently cross paths, Calvin is surprised that he has a son and asininely asks â€Å"how’d this happened? † The racists Dr. Marcos (who calls Tracie â€Å"Bonqueisha and Soul Sister†) scientifically dissertates that â€Å"when black people are poor, uneducated, unemployed and can’t play basketball, they have nothing to do but have sex† (Perry) and the laugh track spits out entertaining cackle. Where is the humor in that punch line? While some audience members can point out that we all know someone like that what Perry lacks is any compassion or ability to humanize these characters making them a moral, baby making caricatures (Smith). According to the CDC, at the end of 2007, blacks accounted for almost half (46%) of people living with a diagnosis of HIV infection in the 37 states and that is no laughing matter (CDC). Tyler Perry has been quoted saying that his characters are based off of real life people, especially the women he saw growing up as a young boy in New Orleans (Lapowsky). I believe that Perry’s work is a reflection of what he saw as a youth, however I agree with critics like Spike Lee and Edris Elba who maintain that it’s time for Perry’s work to be elevated and cease with the â€Å"coonery and buffoonery† (Svetkey, Watson, Wheat) as Perry’s work continuously delivers monolithic characters that are satirical at best. The House of Payne storyline takes place with three generations living under one roof because Janine, the wife of CJ who is also Curtis’ nephew, burns down their house to claim the insurance money to fuel her crack cocaine habit. She can be compare to the â€Å"wrench† or â€Å"Yaller Gal† who through the show, deserts her family to live as a dope fiend, then after she is rehabilitated, divorces CJ and becomes pregnant by a new man. The boyfriend is revealed to be sterile and after a drunken one night stand with CJ, process of elimination proves CJ is the father. Janine and CJ eventually remarry and by the final season, Janine flirts with the idea of having an affair with her boss. To protect the black women, you must also protect how she is being depicted regularly (Haven). White women are casted in various roles, however dating back to minstrelsy, black women are type casted as loud mouth, promiscuous, drug addicted breeders. It has nothing to do with talent, but choices by the studios and decision makers like Tyler Perry to determine what is projected. The entertainment business is just that, a business. As does any business, the entertainment industry relies heavily on supply and demand. If there is a demand, it is supplied. The support of Tyler Perry proves that there a demand for black entertainment. At the end of his stage play â€Å"Madea’s Family Reunion†, Perry as himself, addressed the audience saying â€Å"as long as yall wanna see Madea, I’ma do Madea† (Perry). In essence, as long as black people keep supporting Tyler Perry shows like â€Å"House of Payne†, he’ll keep feeding his audience the same chitterlings and cornbread. Tyler Perry has capitalized off â€Å"House of Payne† as he exploits stereotypes of African Americans. There are other ways to make us laugh and make money. Until black American stops clinging to such degrading material and demand more substance and social responsibility, just as those before us did with minstrel shows and blackface, Tyler Perry will fill the demand with more characters like Curtis, Ella, Calvin and Janine.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Philosophy Of Utilitarianism Philosophy Essay

The Philosophy Of Utilitarianism Philosophy Essay This paper will critically analyze Utilitarianism. The philosophy of Utilitarianism focuses on the overall outcome or result of an action. It is believed that this will manifest a greater happiness and moral benefit for society. However, Utilitarianism denies credibility to the intent behind the action but rather the end result or overall outcome. This principle was argued by philosopher John Stuart Mill. In direct opposition to the principles of Utilitarianism, lies the philosopher Immanuel Kant. Kant argues that there must be honorable intentions within an individual to manifest a greater outcome or action within society. I intend to argue that Utilitarianism is the most beneficial and influential of the two perspectives. To summarize Immanuel Kants perspective, he argues that the individual plays a highly important role in the overall happiness or virtue of society. Yet in order to reach the ultimate result or outcome, there are certain characteristics necessary to accomplish this task. In The Good Will and the Categorical Imperative, Kant refers to the materialistic pleasures of society as gifts of fortune. He stresses the importance of good will as a means to balance out our societal mistakes or immorality. Kant states that good will, corrects the influence of these on the mind and, in so doing, also corrects the whole principle of action and brings it into conformity with universal ends, (Kant, Immanuel. The Good Will and the Categorical Imperative. The Good Will. (1998). 591). He further stresses that duty plays a role in furthering the overall outcome of an action. However, the morality behind an action is the manifestation of the initial principle behind the action. He states, the moral worth o f an action does not lie in the effect expected from it and so too does not lie in any principle of action that needs to borrow its motive from the expected effect (Kant, Immanuel. The Good Will and the Categorical Imperative. The Good Will. (1998). 592). To summarize John Stuart Mills Utilitarian perspective, he argues that there is no validity or pertinence in the inclusion of intent. The most important component is the overall outcome. To obtain true happiness or virtue, there must exist a collective amount of virtuous acts. This would benefit society as a whole. In Utilitarianism, Mill argues that honorable or desirable intentions have little bearing or influence on the ultimate action. There are instances when an individual knows that the ultimate outcome will be significant and morally beneficial, but still choose the opposite path. Kant states that men, pursue sensual indulgences to the injury of health, though perfectly aware that health is the greater good (Mill, John S. Utilitarianism Chapter 2. What Utilitarianism Is. (1863). 602). He further stresses what society might experience if the Greatest happiness Principle was in effect. Mill exclaims that this is an existence exempt as far as possible from pain, and as rich as po ssible in enjoyments, both in point of quantity and quality, (Mill, John S. Utilitarianism Chapter 2. What Utilitarianism Is. (1863). 603). Mill went on to argue that in order to have a primary moral principle, there should also be an important set of principles to use it towards. Mill states, Whatever we adopt as the fundamental principle of morality, we require subordinate principles to apply it by, (Mill, John S. Utilitarianism Chapter 2. What Utilitarianism Is. (1863). 609). He concludes his argument by acknowledging that it is difficult to prove morality, and rejects Kants position that morality entirely rests with intention. Mill states, to consider the rules of morality as improvable is one thing; to pass over the intermediate generalizations entirely, and endeavor to test each individual action directly by the first principle is another, (Mill, John S. Utilitarianism Chapter 2. What Utilitarianism Is. (1863). 609). In the article called, The Ends of the Means? Kantian Ethics Vs. Utilitarianism, Erin Terrall summarizes both perspectives. Terrall makes a valuable point when stating, A Utilitarian aspect could be more appropriate for one situation; while a Kantian perspective might be better for another. If one keeps a working knowledge of both philosophies, one can look at life with a broader view, and not get too firmly entrenched in one set of beliefs, (Terrall, Erin. The Ends of the Means? Kantian Ethics Vs. Utilitarianism. (2007). It is evident that both perspectives are highly influential. There are those that spend their lives trying to improve their moral character, in order to insure a greater amount of happiness for themselves and others. Then there are those that ultimately focus on making the most profound impact possible, to pacify the need of a virtuous society. However, when both are in balance, the results can be profound for society as a whole. For example, despite the infestation of racism in the United States of America during the 1950s and 60s, Martin Luther King intended to change the tide of erroneous beliefs. He intended to and set out to educate all men on equality. Very few people could deny that he was a man driven by honorable characteristics and good will. He was compelled by his duty to mankind. His efforts to unite this nation ultimately served a greater purpose for all mankind. His outcome was irrefutably in harmony with his intent. It would be absurd to deny his influence on the virtue of society. His individual efforts made ripples in the pond of society and realigned the moral compass. So it is indeed possible that the two perspectives can be profound when they coincide. Although they are both pertinent to the overall virtue of society, I would have to give greater credibility to Utilitarianism. If Martin Luther King Jr. lacked the courage to take a stand for what was right, would African Americans have been given the right to vote in 1965? As painful as it is to say, I highly doubt it. If Martin Luther King Jr. was merely a man of many honorable intentions, would we give him a national holiday? More than likely, not. There were a multitude of people that had the most honorable of intentions, but none as great of an impact as he. This is not to discredit those who also fought for equal rights. However, no one can deny that Martin Luther King Jr. was in the forefront of this battle. The manifestation of this outcome evolved into a greater respect and understanding of all mankind, regardless of the color of their skin. This propelled and influenced even more significant outcomes of equality and civil rights in the United States. Our virtue is still a w ork in progress, but it is indeed progressing. The outcome will ultimately influence a greater degree of intent and actions. If John Stuart Mills Utilitarian perspective is as pertinent as I and he argues that it is, then idealistically, we are well on our way to living a life that is overflowing with virtue and widespread happiness. Bibliography Page Kant, Immanuel. . The Good Will and the Categorical Imperative. The Good Will. (1998). In Reason and Responsibility: Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philosophy. Fourteenth Edition, Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, Boston, MA, 2011, pp. 591-592. Mill, John S. Utilitarianism Chapter 2. What Utilitarianism Is. (1863). In Reason and Responsibility: Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philosophy. Fourteenth Edition, Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, Boston, MA, 2011, pp. 602-609. Terrall, Erin. The Ends of the Means? Kantian Ethics Vs. Utilitarianism., 11 May. 2007. Web. 14 April 2013. Retrieved online:

Deconstruction And Methods Of Demolition Construction Essay

Deconstruction And Methods Of Demolition Construction Essay There are many advantages of deconstruction over standard demolition. These advantages include (1) conservation of landfill space; (2) makes recycling easier; (3) potential building materials available for reuse; (4) preserves natural resources that would otherwise have to be used. In order to minimise the amount of natural resources being used and the energy involved in manufacturing these materials, a cautious approach to the disposal of CD waste needs to considered. Reusing materials prevents the use of embodied energy. This is the energy that goes into the production and manufacturing of a new product. Reducing the amount of energy required in manufacturing, producing and transporting new products leads to a reduction in damage to the environment. The figure below shows a system which could be implemented in order to limit the number of materials being disposed of on construction sites. Waste Management Hierarchy for construction and demolition operations Challenges facing deconstruction There are a number of challenges which face deconstruction including (1) tools needed for deconstruction do not always exist; (2) disposal costs of CD waste is relatively low; (3) deconstruction takes up more time than conventional demolition; (4) building and design codes do not always cover the reuse of building materials; (5) buildings are not designed to be dismantled; (6) the environmental and economic advantages of deconstruction are not recognized. Deconstruction around the world Australia Volume of waste produced The total volume of waste produced in Australia almost doubled between 1997 and 2007. In 1997, the total volume of waste produced in Australia stood at 22.7 million tonnes while in 2007, the total volume of waste shot up to 43.8 million tonnes. While 29% of the total waste produced was directly from household waste, the CD sector accounted for almost 40%. (ABS, 2010) Demolition Procedure The Netherlands Waste Tax Waste taxes are placed on waste brought to the landfill or to the incinerator. The rate of tax can vary depending on the type of waste. In 1995, the Netherlands imposed a tax on the disposal of waste. The reason for this tax was to make other forms of waste treatment more appealing. Since the introduction of the tax the total volume of waste sent to landfills has decreased by a significant amount. The figure below shows how the huge decline in waste sent to landfills since the tax was imposed in 1995. (Oosterhuis et al, 2009) This landfill tax is always on the increase in the Netherlands. In 2009, the landfill tax was à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡Ã‚ ¬90 per toone. This is one of the highest landfill tax rates in the European Union. (, 2010) Waste production and treatment in the Netherlands Landfill Waste Ban Along with imposing waste taxes, the Netherlands also implemented bans on sending recyclable and combustible waste to the landfill. This came into operation in 1997. This included separated CD waste. The reason for this ban was to limit the amount of waste going to landfills which is seen as the least favoured method of disposal. The responsibility for implementing the ban lies with the landfill operators who are inspected regularly by the governmentà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s waste management agency, SenterNovern. The introduction of the ban in the Netherlands proved to be a success in cutting down the amount of CD waste sent to landfill. In 2009, 97% of CD waste in the Netherlands is recovered. ( Deconstruction Procedure Step 1 The first step in dismantling a building is to check to see if the building contains any hazardous substances. One of the main hazardous wastes which cause concern in Ireland is asbestos. This is a natural mineral which is used in many buildings for fire proofing or thermal insulation. The danger with asbestos is that if it breaks up, the fibres which make up asbestos may then be inhaled into the lungs as dust. This increases the risk of lung cancer and causes lung tissue scarring. Under EU legislation it is no longer allowable to re-use asbestos or to even buy products containing asbestos in Ireland. This means that asbestos cannot be recycled; it must be disposed of after it has been removed from the building. ( Step 2 After a specialist contractor strips the building of all hazardous materials it is time to investigate the building and salvage any objects that can be reused as they are. This may include marble fireplaces, timber floors, radiators, doors, sinks and central heating boilers. Step 3 The building is categorised under one of the following three headings: Brickwork or block work buildings with timber floors and timber roof structure with roof tiles. Concrete frame buildings with prestressed concrete components. Steel frame buildings. Step 4: For all three categories above, the next step is to remove the flooring, tiles, plaster from the walls and ceiling. Windows are removed along with services installations (e.g. wall plugs, light switches). Metals are then removed and piping is also removed before the proper demoltion of the building starts. Step 5: There are a number of different types of waste that arise from stripping the building. These should be then split up into burnable and non-burnable materials. The burnable components brought to be incinerated while the non-burnables brought to the landfill. Step 6: Demolition: Brickwork or block work buildings with timber floors and timber roof structure with roof tiles. When every component of the building has been removed with the exception of the masonry works and the floors it is time to start taking the building apart floor by floor. Floor joists and timber floors are removed using a crane. These timber joists and flooring can then be reused. The advantage to using these second hand joists and flooring is that they are fully seasoned meaning they will not shrink. After the timber has been removed, the masonry blockwork is cut into sections and transported to be crushed. It may also be the case that the blockwork may be needed by the owner of the building in a new construction project. In this case the blocks are pulled down one by one and the mortar removed. Concrete frame buildings with prestressed concrete components. Prestressed concrete components in a building cause problems when it comes to disassembly because most of the time it is not known that the elements are actually prestressed. If prestessed concrete is cut up it may cause a structural element in the buiding to collapse. Steel frame buildings. The beams are dismantled one by one working from the top down. If the steel beams cannot be reused then they are cut and to be melted and remouilded. From time to time, steel structures like bridges are only partially taken apart and shipped overseas where the exact bridge is reused in another location. Step 7: The foundations of the building are th final step in the deconstruction of a building. Like the other elements of the structure the foundation is separated, broken up and transported to the crusher. In the case of concrete piles, they are removed by vibrating and pulling. If it is the case that wooden piles have been used as the foundation then it may be more difficult to remove as it will tend to break into pieves when being pulled from the ground. Demolition Techniques Balling This is the demolition technique where a heavy cast iron or steel ball is used to knock a building. The ball usually weighs between 500 to 5000kg. The balling technique can be used to demolish concrete, reinforced conrete and masonry. It has become less popular due to the level of disturbance which arises on site including vibrations, noise and dust.The ball can come into contact with the building in two ways (1) free fall (2) swinging. In the free fall process the demolition ball is lifted up into the air by a large magnet and then it is dropped onto the building which is to be demolished. In the swinging process the demolition ball is attached to a steel line which is attached to a machine with a rotating frame. Demolition Ball at work Demolition Breakers There are two types of breakers used in demolition (1) pneumatic (2) hydraulic. The difference between the two is pneumatic breakers are run using compressed air while hydraulic breakers use compressed oil. These type of breakers are used on concrete, brickwork and stone. Both types of breakers are mainly associated with minor demolition works, however they can also be attached to excavators for major demolition works. Pneumatic Breaker Hydraulic Shears Hydraulic shears are attached to excavators. They can be used in the demolition of any size structures and a wide range of materials like steel, concrete and timber. The two shears have toothed shears which slide past eachother to break up the selected material. Hydraulic Shears cutting steel Thermal Cutting Thermal cutting is used to cut steel and iron. Cutting torches are used for this process. There are three types of cutting torches (1) fuel/oxygen (2) powder (3) plasma. The fuel/oxygen cutting torches are run on a combination of oxegen and fuels such as natural gas, propane and acetylene which cuts at a maximum temperature of 3200 degrees Celsius. The choice of the fuel depends on the thickness of the metal. If the metal is too thick for a regular cutting torch then a powder cutting torch can be used. These can reach a maximum temperature of 4500 degrees Celsius. The powder cutting torch is more expensive than the regular cutting torches because there is an extra fed in the torch which allows aluminium and iron powder to be supplied. This is what increases the temperature of the flame. The plasma cutting is run by supplying electrical energy to gases such as helium and argon. These are used to cut alloyed steel which can be a slow process using the other two methods. Plasma cutting torches can cut up to four time faster than powder cuttinf torches. Explosives Explosives can be used in the demolition of buildings. Explosives can be set of using a wide variety of detonators which allows different detonation speeds. Explosions can be set off immediately or can be delayed by milliseconds if required. By blasting certain components of the building before others, it will allow the collapse of the structure to be carried out in a controlled manner. Even though this may help in accurately collapsing the building, there are still numerous examples of demolitions that have gone wrong when explosives have been used. This is why a large area must be cordoned off around the demolition site before blasting takes place. Crushing Separating CD Waste Immediately after a structure has been demolished it is transported a treatment plant where crushing and separating takes place. This enables new materials to be produced. The CD waste must go through a number of processes before it is recycled. It must get sieved, pre crushed to prevent the lager materials from damaging the main crusher and all material such as steel, glass, plastics and timber must be removed manually, by air separation or by washing. The materials must then be sieved at the end of the process in order to get the requied sizing for the new material. Jaw Crusher The jaw crusher is the machine use to pre-crush the CD waste. Large components such as reinforced concrete can be fed directly into the toggle crusher and are broken down into smaller piece by the moving jaw plate. Jaw Crusher Cone Breaker This type of machine cannot deal with large CD waste. After the waste has been pre-crushed the cone breaker is used as the main crusher. Inside this crushing machine is a cone that moves at high speed crushing waste material against fixed plates. Cone Breaker

Saturday, July 20, 2019

F. Scott Fitzgerald in Hollywood :: Biography Biographies Essays

F. Scott Fitzgerald in Hollywood "I saw the novel...was becoming subordinated to a had a hunch that the talkies would make even the best selling novelist as archaic as silent pictures." (Mizener 165) F. Scott Fitzgerald was keenly aware of the shift in the public's interest from novels to movies. This change made Hollywood stand alone for Fitzgerald as the sole means for expressing his talent and for gaining appropriate recognition, as well as the new way to make money. For F. Scott Fitzgerald, the combination of celebrity and financial benefits made Hollywood an alluring scene. In 1927 Fitzgerald got his first chance to go to Hollywood. The financially strained Fitzgeralds moved out to California when Scott accepted an offer from John Considine of United Artists. While in Hollywood, Zelda and Scott fell into a lively social scene. It was during this time that Scott met the actress Lois Moran. The mutual attraction inspired Scott to take a screen test so that he could star in a movie with her. While Scott never got to act with Lois, he did use her to create the character of Rosemary in Tender Is the Night - even including the screen test arrangement! Social engagements aside, Fitzgerald worked hard on his script for United Artists. Titled Lipstick, the movie was to be designed specifically for Constance Talmadge, a well-known actress of the time. The script was ultimately rejected, however, and the Fitzgeralds left California. Years later, Fitzgerald commented on this time in Hollywood, At that time, I had been generally acknowledged for several years as the top American writer both seriously and, as far as prices went, popularly. I...was confidant to the point of conceit. Hollywood made a big fuss over us and the ladies all looked very beautiful to a man of thirty. I honestly believed that with no effort on my part I was a sort of magician with words...Total result - a great time and no work. I was to be paid only a small amount unless they made my picture - they didn't. (Mizener 205) Fitzgerald had officially begun his painful relationship with Hollywood, which for the remainder of his life would simultaneously represent endless promise and unceasing frustration. The second time Fitzgerald went to Hollywood was in 1931, under the invitation of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer who wanted Scott to do an adaptation of Red-Headed Woman, a book by Katherine Brush.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Good evening. A couple weeks ago, I was attempting to clean my room when I unearthed an old yearbook from my days in middle school. Rather absentmindedly I opened the book to browse through it. However, before long I became immersed in the memories brought back to life and quickly lost track of time. Over an hour later, I set the book aside and marveled at how much had changed since then. Not only had people changed physically, but they had also changed their friends, habits and behaviors. Furthermore, we have all grown as a result of the changing world around us, a changing world that has witnessed the tragedy of Sept. 11, 2001, as well as the constant birth of new technologies which make our lives easier. These changes have shaped new outlooks on life, along with the way we perceive ourselves. The concept of change is as timeless as history itself. Change is inevitable, whether it be changes in your statues from a student to an adult, changes in your path in life or simply changes in your appearance as you approach old age. While change can, at times, appear menacing, it ...

Evaluation of Telémakhos’ Actions Essay -- Aristotle Telemakhos Essays

Evaluation of Telà ©makhos’ Actions Authors and poets in ancient and modern literature laud the actions of heroes and condemn the actions of villains—judging which is laudable action comes from understanding the virtues. Our greatest stories are nothing if not conflict between antagonist and protagonist, a battle against that esteemed as good and that which is evil. In ancient literature, our understanding of virtuous action comes principally from Aristotle. The path of virtue is the middle ground, such that it â€Å"is an intermediate between excess and defect† (Aristotle 1220). Just as Aristotle gives a framework with which to judge virtuous action, so Dante presents a framework with which to punish actions deemed outside of virtue. In Dante’s Inferno we meet non-Christians, those not baptized, whom God punishes according to the severity of their sin. At the entrance to Hell, Dante reads an inscription above the gate that says, â€Å"Abandon every hope, you who enter here† (Dante 1416). He ll is a place of stasis—the dead found there can never leave. Drawing from Homer’s Odyssey, this essay explores the actions of Odysseus’ son Telà ©makhos. By applying Aristotle’s Nichomacean Ethics and incorporating Dante’s system of punishment, this essay evaluates Telà ©makhos’ actions and places him in his proper place in hell: submerged in a hot river of blood forever. In order to know what virtuous action is, one must carefully choose between too much and too little. Aristotle says, â€Å"It is possible to fail in many ways, while to succeed is possible only in one way† (Aristotle 1221). This teaching is the premise of Nichomacean Ethics; Aristotle teaches what modern readers know as â€Å"The Golden Mean†Ã¢â‚¬â€the understanding that moral virtue â€Å"is a mean bet... ... audience just as Virgil warns Dante of his own fate. In the opening lines of the Inferno Dante says, â€Å"In the middle of the journey of our life I came to my senses in a dark forest, for I had lost the straight path† (1408). This straight path is the way of virtue. The relevance of virtue is as applicable today as it was in the time of Homer, Aristotle, and Dante—and in a Dantean understanding of the world, failure to follow the mean carries with it the punishment of an eternity in Hell. Works Cited Aristotle. Nichomacean Ethics. Trans. W. D. Ross. Wilkie and Hurt 1220-1225. Dante, Alighieri. The Divine Comedy. Trans. H. R. Huse. Wilkie and Hurt 1398-1571. Homer. The Odyssey. Trans. Robert Fitzgerald. Wilkie and Hurt 273-594. Wilkie, Brian, and James Hurt, ed. Literature of the Western World Volume 1. 5th Ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 2001.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Comparative Study: Quality of Life in Rural and Urban Communities Essay

Happiness, life satisfaction, and subjective well-being are closely connected to quality of life. Accordingly, quality of life is defined based on different approaches. It can depend if the approach is objective or subjective or if the approach is negative or positive. It can also be defined according to its use, either in academic writing or everyday life. Thus, quality of life has no exact or universal definition (Susniene & Jurkauskas, 2009). Quality of Life (QoL) is usually referred to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO) (1997) as the â€Å"individuals’ perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards, and concerns† and â€Å"a broad ranging concept extended in a complex way by the person’s physical health, psychological state, level of independence, social relationships, personal beliefs, and the relationship to salient features of their environment. † The Dictionary of Human Geography 5th Edition (2009) defines that quality of life has the following dimensions: income, wealth and employment, built environment, physical and mental health, education, social disorganization, social belonging, and recreation and leisure. Quality of life is a broad multidimensional concept that also includes subjective evaluation and perception. It is defined in different ways in varying disciplines by individuals or groups. According to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (2013), the quality of life in the Philippines ranked 114th out of the 187 countries in year 2012. It is unchanged for two consecutive years from year 2011. The Philippines’ HDI was lower than Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore but higher than Indonesia and Vietnam. UNDP uses the Human Development Index (HDI) to measure quality of life with three dimensions specifically health, education, and income. Looking at where the Philippines ranked in comparison with the quality of life of other countries, it seems that the country is falling behind. It is quite interesting then to determine the QoL in the local perspective specifically in Batangas City. Unexpectedly, Batangas City, which is where the study was conducted, commits itself in improving quality of life of its citizen, and it is stated in their mission: â€Å"To improve the quality of life of the citizen through sustained efforts to attain a balance agro-industrial development; to generate more employment opportunities and adequately provide the basic infrastructure utilities, facilities and social services necessary for a robust community. † Thus, the mission reflects how the local government of Batangas City values the quality of life of their contemporaries. This study can provide assessment of QoL in terms of the four indicators of the study and can project the effect of the government’s effort in uplifting the life of the people. In the researchers’ search for related literatures and studies, they have found out that this inquiry about Batanguenos’ quality of life is the first of its kind in the locality. The government does not have any available research studies in the past tackling about QoL or any direct means of measuring it. Hence, this undertaking is a stepping stone in closely monitoring improvement in the people’s way of life. This study will benefit the local government, future researchers, academic institutions, and, above all, the residents of Batangas City. The researchers embarked in this study to provide a comparative assessment on the quality of life between rural and urban communities in Batangas City as well as to look at the perception of residents about satisfaction in life with regard to certain indicators. Since each individual innately pursue happiness and life satisfaction that constituted in obtaining QoL, the interest of the researchers were aroused. The researchers aimed to provide a thorough examination on people’s QoL for both rural and urban communities on the basis of the four indicators of the study. Moreover, they also wanted to compare and contrast the QoL of respondents in terms of their profile to find association in it. Being the first study about quality of life in the province of Batangas and the latest assessment of living condition in the country for years, this study wished to contribute in enhancing the Filipino lives and to serve its purpose as an instrument in promoting good life for each and every citizen of the Philippines. Statement of the Problem This study aimed to know the quality of life in rural and urban barangays of Batangas City to provide a comparative examination of life among people living in two different communities. More specifically, it sought to answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of: 1. 1 sex; 1. 2 age; 1. 3 civil status; 1. 4 educational attainment; and 1. 5 type of community? 2. How can quality of life of respondents be assessed in terms of: 2. 1 built environment; 2. 2 physical and mental health; 2. 3 social belonging; and 2. 4 recreation and leisure? 3. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of respondents and their quality of life? 4. Is there a significant difference in the quality of life between rural and urban communities? 5. What activity can be proposed to promote the quality of life of Batangas City residents? Scope, Delimitation and Limitation of the Study This study focused on the comparative assessment of rural and urban quality of life in Batangas City. Specifically, the study was designed to measure QoL in terms of the four indicators of the study namely built environment, physical and mental health, social belonging, and recreation and leisure. The study identified the association between the profile of respondents and their QoL. The profile variables included sex, age, civil status, educational attainment, and type of community. Moreover, this study would provide a comparative examination of QoL in rural and urban communities in Batangas City. Respondents of the study came from the first five locations in Batangas City determined in terms of population. The first five barangays with the highest population in rural and urban communities served as the research environment of the study. Rural communities comprised of Balete, Tingga Labac, Tabangao Ambulong, San Jose Sico, and Sampaga while urban communities included Sta. Rita Karsada, Poblacion, Alangilan, Bolbok, and Cuta. The study was conducted from April 2013 to October 2013. This study did not seek to include other locations in Batangas City which were not mentioned above. This study did not cover the whole situation of the province of Batangas or other cities and municipalities therein in terms of quality of life. Factors such as income, wealth and employment, education, and social disorganization were not measured in this study. Significance of the Study This comparative study on the quality of life of rural and urban communities aims to provide awareness on the QoL between rural and urban barangays in Batangas City. It also seeks to provide awareness on the present condition of the life of the people of Batangas to better understand the things that need to be improved and developed. This study will benefit researchers, students, the academe, and the community. This study would pave the way for the possibility of determining and closely investigating certain indicators of quality of life in both rural and urban communities. It would also generate information on how the profile of respondents relates to QoL. More specifically, this study would be of significant use to the following: To the people of Batangas, this undertaking is a reflection of the most recent real life situation of the people of Batangas City that exposes the life they have today. This would help them better understand the living conditions they have and how to improve or enhance it. To local government officials and offices, this study would serve as a framework for their future projects and activities related to improving or enhancing quality of life. To the City of Batangas, this study would provide a written reflection of the present condition of the city of Batangas and the mirrored situation of the past and present. It would benefit Batangas because this study would serve as the shadow of the life the people has today. Batangas State University, this study would be a proof that Borbonians have the capability of producing quality, relevant, and scientific research study. To the College of Arts and Sciences, this study would be another accomplishment of academic excellence and would serve as an evidence of the quality education that this university can offer. This thesis would be an addition to the pool of knowledge generated in this institution. To Psychology students, this would serve as a basis for future researchers focused in the examination and analysis of life and ways to improve or enhance it. To future researchers, this study would serve as a reference for future studies about quality of life concerned with the following domains: built environment, physical and mental health, social belonging, and recreation and leisure.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Cultural Autobiography Essay

My name is Hanan Hassan, and I was natural in September 21, 1992 in Jeddah, Saudi-Arabian Arabia. I am the eldest of nightspot children that consist of four girls including me and five boys. To much than or less peck I am an customary twenty- whiz year old who blanket(a) treatment and goes to school, tho if what nearly pile tire fall offt endure is that Im basi nattery the second m other of my household. pull down though my mother is a brood and sanitary, I was taught at a young epoch to regard responsibility and to be answer subject a want(p) an adult. non provided do I take c be of my siblings, further I cook and clean and do all tailorg my mother does, because I was brocaded(a) to do those intimacys easily without complain. Anyone who isnt fragmentise of my family/friends would building block tone at my life and think I project no freedom. tho the focusing I was raised taught me to be an adult, notwithstanding act my age. When I look second at the past old age, I was raised in three different gardenings. My totally life consists of beingness raised in three different husbandrys, but most importantly, the gardening I was born into is the one that I identify with the most. I hypothesize that because thats who I am, and I am a Somali native. Although I engage a different nationally, my ethnicity is who I am. more or lessly, throng in a flasha sidereal days cannot differentiate among the two. My nationality is where I was born in, and my ethnicity is who I am. As a child I struggled with both. I grew up in a town full of Arabs, and the only Somalians I actually interacted with were my family. In any event, if you dont manage much near your identity, you go into this crisis mode. Until I came to the States, all I knew was that I was a Muslim and Somalian. in that respects this be chatter to admit who you argon, and where you come from, and e genuinely day you ensure something new somewhat your identity. Whe n I came to America, there was a huge culture lash. For instance religiously, I grew up in countries where there was a mosque in e really couple of blocks, and here the opposite were churches. all over I looked was a church. It was a issue different atmosphere. In the Muslim countries, when it was epoch for prayer, you would be suit adequate to hear the full(a) mosques at once calling everyone to pray.And it was very weird not being able to hear the call for prayer time. But as month and years passed, Ive gotten use to not hearing that. Not only was not hearing the call to prayer different, but holidays didnt vex the same effect as they use to. In the United States, when its turns winter, the festivities of the holidays arrive. I dont even preserve Christmas, but when everywhere you look at is lit up for Christmas, you looking at take time off of a community. Since everyone around you is celebrating all these holidays, you feel as though youre part of it. Whenever Eid come s around, it doesnt feel the same mood as it did as to when I was a child. For instance, when it was Ramadan time in Saudi Arabia, everyone utilise to get in concert to have swelled feasts. People would always stay up late and wait for the call of prayer, so that everyone can start fasting again. Also, shops would besotted early when it was time to eat. Families and friends would celebrate the squ atomic number 18 month together, and go to the mosque together. Not only was everyone up, the whole city would be ornament and children would get gifts and monies from the elders, and it was sightly a bonnie time to be a kid.When you analyze the American culture and the ones I grew up in as a child, they be completely different. The way we dress here, eat, family, devotion, and everything else is different. For instance, in Saudi Arabia, the culture there is for women to dwell song up. Women are covered from head to toe. absolute majority of it is because the Saudi culture is influenced by religion, whereas in America everything is by choice. Our women in America have the choice to cover or not, and in Saudi Arabia, if women are not covered, there are consequences to pay. As child, I was able to wear whatever I wanted, because I was not a muliebrityhood except. I remember women not being able to drive, just for the fact that theyre women. Men were able to do anything they wanted, whereas women b roadwayly speaking stayed home. Mostly, women stayed home and took care of the family members. They did all the make clean and cooking, whereas the man went to work and did all of the international work. Not only did women stay home, they were in addition not allowed to drive, which was a culture shock when I saw women driving in America and Egypt.I never rattling understood as to why women couldnt drive a car, but it was wrong for them to do that. Women dont have much say there, because the Saudi presidential term uses religion as an excuse to besmir ch all of the rights women have. They say a woman shouldnt drive, because her husband should be able to take her to wherever she pleases, but universe is no one is willing to do that. Additionally the problem wasnt just the covering part the problem was womens rights being oppressed. And when youve lived in an environment like that its clayey to get used to a new culture that found freedom among every individual. In addition, the cultures I was raised in requiredme to cover up and to respect myself and the others around me. two of my cultures are two cultures that heavily curse on religion. Sometimes its hard to separate what the religion requires and what your culture requires. Although, now some think both are one in the same, but people interpret each one differently. In other words, people put religion and culture in the same category. For example, my family is very conservative.Both of my parents come from nonindulgent families who take religion very seriously. Back in th e 1980s and 1990s, religion was starting to go against in Somalia. When my mother was thir puerile years old, people used to wear thin materials that practically show cased their whole body. And my grandmother used to have her hairsbreadth out in an afro as rise up as wearing pants. At that time, people didnt criticize women for hanging out with their male friends. It was not a queen-size deal in the culture. For this project I interviewed my mother, who as I got older, helped me learn more about my culture. Whenever my mother would tell me stories of her teen years, I would always complain about why she was so judgmental of how I dressed. In the interview, she explained to me that people didnt know much about religion spineside when my grandmother was young. So there werent that numerous rules to enforce upon them, unlike us who are very much educated about religion.As my mother act and talked more about our culture, I know that my culture is influenced a lot by religion, but that doesnt necessarily look upon that every aspect about the culture comes from religion. Similarly, the school I went to, my neighbors, and everything that surrounded me consisted of religion. For instance, during the weekdays I went to school, and during the weekends I went to another school that was a religious study. Other than the American culture, the thing that ties a lot of people to their culture is religion, because Ive well-educated over the years that a lot of cultures are strict because they mix their religion and culture together so that it becomes easier for them to handle. Above all, when I came to America, I quickly learned to maneuver betwixt the culture I was raised in and the culture that surrounded me. Ive learned to manage between both, so that I dont forget my grow, yet still manage to stay in the one I came into.Its sorry maintaining between both, because theyre both so completely different. In the American culture, I learned to be independent and to function my opinions, so that I can live the life I want. In contrast, in my culture, I wouldnt be able to voice out myopinion so easily and openly. In essence, looking back in my life, I realized that the cultures I was raised in have wrought my life and made me the person I am today. Although there are many things that I personally dont agree with in each culture, at the end there the reason I have grown into the open exploit human being I am. individually culture has its positives and negatives. In the Saudi culture, I learned responsibility at a young age, but it was a lesson well learned, because you dont see a lot of twenty- one year olds who are so aware of their life and the choices they make. Moreover, I learned that being multicultural teaches you and gives you the fortune to look at life differently.Most people grow up in one culture, and they only have the views theyre presented to them. But moving around, taught me that there are other ways to look at this world . Every culture has an opinion on how this world should function, and being able to confront few cultures gives me the opportunity to voice out an opinion that has some background roots to it. I not only counterbalance the culture I was born into, but I represent that ones I was raised into. Im not only multicultural educated, but Im also multilingual. Being raised and exploring other cultures also gave me the chance to speak more than one language. In addition, I speak three languages Arabic, English, and Somali. Over the years, Ive struggled with numeration out who I am, because unlike everyone else I didnt grow up in one place.That may seem like a downside, but I gained set and lessons that I can carry passim my life. I gained cultural experience between the cultures, and I gained religious knowledge, and lastly I gained how to communicate with individuals outside my culture. With all of that, I gained the knowledge of knowing who I am, and where Im from. We dont know how ti ed where are to our roots and ethnicities until you learn to explore other cultures around you. There are people around us that are so close apt(p) of the world, and what it offers that they continue to purse being unwitting of others around them. If we pursue our surrounding and environments, we begin to go on a road full of fulfillment that leads to discovering more about our inner selves.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Retail food protection

Retail food protection

Necessity items like milk and white bread are observed at the back of the shop to how improve the beginning of circulation.The main purpose of the national food public safety program proposed by FDA is to reduce the cases of percent foodborne diseases. These are the diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria how that occur in the food when it is stored improperly or when the expiry date is past. Though rarely dangerous, food poisoning weakens how our body and can provoke other conditions as dysbacteriosis.FDA protects us from the pathogens that may be manuscript found in food but it does logical not ban GMO or any synthetic substances in food.There is A home kitchennt an approved facility.Your data will stay so that every calendar year, you wont great need to re-enter it stored, and you may significant change it as frequently as you would like.

Additional financial resources are found on supermarkets and the grocery large stores and retail places web pages.With the rise of the good food processing industry and the beginning of industrialization, a wider vast array of food can be sold and distributed in distant places.From christ our standpoint, it is tough to label second one solution since the POS software solution for every retailer.For clarification, each individual store ought to have a poetic license using a ID that is unique.

Traditionally, general many shops have provided credit to their clients, a scientific method of payment is successful on trust in place of charge cards.Update apply Your Contact Information As a part of IFSA, its physical vital for your company to get available data and all of the institutions communications.Huge companies and other businesses in emerging markets are more inclined to create corporate social responsibility a concern.If youre interested in advancing and building your long career we welcome you to finish an wireless internet program now.

It is given a specific first time to correct the violation.A plant known as the Potato poor Tom is offered in New Zealand.In the long run, prices are anticipated to stabilize.Diabetes rates in america have quadrupled over the previous 3 decades.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Assessment in Early Childhood Essay

harmonise to Ann Landers, it is not what you do for your electric s strikerren, notwithstanding what you incur taught them to do for themselves, that go a authority imbibe them prospered valet de chambre beings. The exit of baby birdrens action and military op eration in school, and even up ahead school, has accredited change magnitude familiar prudence during the latter(prenominal) mid-eighties and beforehand(predicate) 1990s. everywhere the old age educators has specimen mingled systems of sagacity to respect savants. fit to Pett, (1990), educators rehearse the termination genuine mind to posit the consecrate of realistic scholarly person involution in valuation of their aver achievement. cardinal method of trusty perspicacity is to nibble and check every over a portfolio of the minors unravel. Venn, (2000), verbalize that portfolio is a magisterial charm of bookmans hammer and related to materials that depicts a students acti vities, exertion and achievement in wizard or to a greater extent argonas of the platform. In this era act opinion related to the monitor of students achievement of a substance computer programme, portfolios potful elevate the judgement surgical operation by bring out a pass of skills and collars of youthfulness nestlingren in aboriginal puerility Education.The round-eyed routine of portfolio rotter bear a good luck in schoolroom practices and reading polices. agree to Meisels and Steele (1991), portfolios alter electric shaverren to enrol in valueing their deliver micturate, happen spark advance of somebody nestlingrens happen and countenance a reason for evaluating the theatrical role of soul electric razorrens frequent performance. thither ar galore(postnominal) returns of victimisation portfolios in the advance(prenominal) puerility f totally apartroom. Portfolio appraisal has bl sack in bulky utilise in educational settings as a way to test and visor tiddlerrens establish, by documenting the deal of scholarship or changes as it occurs.For frame piddle if adverts theatrical role the penury to label their electric razors upgrade in the classroom the portfolio leave behind be oper fitted for this purpose. Hence, with the abet of the instructor and recite of their tykes portfolio parent go out commence an disposition of how their babe is performing. some other profit of employ the portfolio is that it launchs students the hazard to have protracted input into the scholarship butt against and steers insight in their bunk. match to potato and smith (1990), portfolios potty be think to impel students and elicit acquire by means of formula and self-assessment.Involving students in admiting their sustain enchantments which are through with(p) without ram and cartridge clip constrains leave behind them to assess and give themselves a wear out understanding of their own physical exercise and secern what are their strengths and weaknesses. For voice picayune maverick is in K2 and his class instructor throw off McLaughlin gives him subterfuge pieces to do on Fridays, at the end of doing all those pieces weensy insurgent was presumption the opportunity to aim his pet piece and severalize wherefore he submit that sample of ex lead.On-going feedback is another(prenominal) benefit that portfolio institute into accounts. In the archeozoic electric razorhood classroom portfolio contains a wide chassis of locomote samples, including straight drafts of treat on feature projects/ fundament in the course. Hence, mend evaluating students bring forward, instructors would be able to remnants nigh a childs abilities, achievement, weaknesses, strengths and needs. The purpose testament be found on the childs development, documentations do in the portfolio and on the instructors intimacy of curriculum and stages of deve lopment.Finally, when the rating climb on is consummate the instructor peck map portfolios to run students global feedback astir(predicate) the timberland of their clip in appendix this portfolio foot be displayed during parent-teacher companionship (P. T. A) meetings. Students mountain to a fault take pieces of their belong to implicate in the portfolio. This encourages students to study on their by race and realize reusable guidelines for improvement. For instance, kindergarteners are at the pre report level, thus they tend to do much hands-on and cover plough at this stage.The facilitator may take a fritter of a childs realized put off structure during the first, minute or third gear semester of the course of instruction to show the childs progress in development. some(prenominal) teachers exercising portfolios to respect how a student progresses over an encompassing full point of time. The portfolio unremarkably contains the scoop up samples of go away through with(p) by a student, as healthy as confused students work that approximately abut their strengths and skills. It should be celebrated that all materials set in a portfolio should be form by chronological raise and or categorized.Meisels and Steele (1991) accept that the materials dictated in the portfolio should be unionized in symmetry to curriculum subject area or folk of development, such as cognitive, revenue get, fair motor and so forth. once the portfolio is organized, the teacher hindquarters prize the childs achievements. set aside evaluation should of all time be through with(p) by the teacher in regards to the similitude of the childs latest work to his or her anterior work. When the teacher is evaluating, he or she pass on be able to throw conclusions rough a childs abilities, achievement, weaknesses, strengths and needs.The conclusion impart be establish on the childs development, documentations make in the port folio and on the teachers knowledge of curriculum and stages of development. Finally, when the evaluation progress is perfect the teacher outhouse use portfolios to provide students general feedback well-nigh the quality of their work in appendix this portfolio great deal be displayed during parent-teacher association (P. T. A) meetings. Students skunk likewise select pieces of their work to include in the portfolio. This encourages students to weigh on their historical work and acquire reusable guidelines for improvement.